Monday, October 27, 2008


homecoming was great! it stopped raining for all the pivotal moments of the weekend and sunday was beautiful. it was great to see everyone and to see my old house and old stomping ground and everything else. i was worried going to williamsburg would challenge all the feelings of moving on i've been developing these last few months. but luckily, it didn't. it was great to be there, and williamsburg will forever feel like home. it will always be warm and welcoming (i hope) and it's always sad to leave a place that is home to so many people you love, but i didn't feel depressed about having to come back to my adult life. i mean, i'll also be back in two weeks.

on the way home, gabrielle and i were talking about st. elmo's fire, so we stopped and rented it on the way into town. we watched it last night. it's so relevant to life right now! recent grads, living in dc, dealing with jobs and people. their lives are the exaggerated/unfortunate versions of my life (kind of?). regardless, i had forgotten how great that movie was and watching it right after homecoming was all too appropriate.

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